Glad everything in Boston is taken care of. Thoughts and prayers for everyone involved. We're such a Yankee-hating bakery we've always had a soft spot for the Sox. :-)
As we mentioned in an earlier post, the baking business has its ups and downs in terms of schedules. Sometimes we watch our mixer gather dust as we wonder when our next order will come in (and then start to worry WILL our next order ever come in!?!) Other times, it's a constant go-go-go-go-go that requires long hours, no sleep, tired limbs, and an occasional glass of wine to get through. This past week, our baking business has experienced the latter.
We're thankful for the business, please don't mistake us when we say we wish we had a few more hours of sleep in our system right now. We understand that YOU the customer are choosing US the bakery and trusting our product, pricing, and professionalism for those moments in your life you want to celebrate. We cannot begin to express how thankful we are that many of you put your trust into us. That being said, though, we'd be even more thankful if anyone would be willing to pay us to quit our day job and take on baking full-time.
This week we had a fun task of baking for a charity auction. Something we've always been taught, and always believed in, is that every person, no matter what their situation in life, has something to be thankful for, and should make time for others who may not be as blessed. Sure we're broke as a joke financially, but we have a roof over our heads, a loving family, a full-time job, a hockey team that is EN FUEGO (let's go Pens!). Who needs monetary wealth when we're wealthy and wise in so many other ways?
So when we were approached a few weeks ago to see if we'd be willing to donate some time and bake for a charity auction that was coming up, we figured why not? We are blessed with the ability to create wonderful baked goods, why not donate our time and gifts to someone who doesn't have the ability to do the same?
We ended up sending over several dozen cupcakes and a cake to the charity auction which benefited a local high school student in need of a double lung transplant (wowzah!) The supplies were paid for by someone else, and we donated our time.

It wasn't easy, to be honest. It's a busy time at work, and OT is slowly draining the life out of us. With so much to bake, ice and decorate, we had several long nights in a row...get home around 7pm, apron it up, and bake until midnight or 1am. Exhausted? You bet! Worth it? Absolutely.
We said we're firm believers that every person has something to give to others, and should whenever they can. We're also firm believers that all good and selfless deeds are rewarded in some way. After staying up late baking for several nights, we arrived to drop off the cake yesterday with our box of business cards, hoping to drop a few off with our goods. Wasn't it wonderful when they took about 100 of them, and promised to hand them out to everyone there. Maybe it will lead to nothing, but it's more than we could have hoped for.
Now it's time to rest, on this chilly Saturday as tomorrow is another day of baking. We wish we could say we're tired of baking, but we're totally not!!! :-)
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