Saturday, April 26, 2014

Big News

Hello and happy spring, readers!  Aren't you so excited that the trees are finally starting to bloom in the Steel City?  We look outside and it no longer looks like winter.

There has been so much going on with us recently, we're not sure there is enough time to tell you about EVERYTHING.  In fact, there are still some things in the works that we can't tell you about yet.  But there are some things we are finally able to announce, and we're so excited!

So, please, drumroll......(no seriously, do that childish thing where you beat your hands on your thighs.  No one's watching, and even if they are, who really cares.  Just tell them we said it was cool.)

We are so super duper holy cow excited to share our good news with everyone: we're going to be selling our desserts in a local restaurant.  No, you didn't read that wrong, what an awesome awesome step for us and our bakery!  Now you don't have to order from us for delivery can go out for a meal, enjoy this beautiful weather, and top if off with an awesome treat from PSR!!

We're still working out all the details, so it's hard for us to say "Head there on [insert date here] and everything will be ready to go".  But we've been so excited this past week, we've been ready to explode.  EXPLODE!! (we're awful at keeping secrets, fyi.  Don't ever ask us to host a surprise party.  We will fail.  Completely fail...)

So in the next week or so check back here to get all the details...we'll tell you the restaurant, where it's located at, what we'll be serving up, and when you can head out to claim your own piece of PSR dessert.  For now, though, can we take a moment and just celebrate.  This is such a monumental moment for our small-but-growing bakery.


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