Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Dog Days are Over!

August, where have you gone?  Summer, where have *you* gone??

It's been a wild 6 weeks here at PSR.  We spent a lot of time traveling and a little time baking.  Sometimes it just happens to work out like that when supper hits.  The call of the ocean, the mountains in all their glory, we headed out of town on several occasions and didn't think twice about it.

Ok, maybe we thought about it twice.  But that's it!

As August begins to wind down, kids head back to school, pumpkin spice EVERYTHING hits us, PSR is back with some awesome news and updates for you.

1. We have a fun themed cake coming up this week we're excited to share with you.  It will be a challenge, but one that we're totally up for.  Stay tuned on our facebook page for live updates, because we will be showcasing alllllll of the skills we've magically learned over the years.

2. PSR has signed up to help the Geek Girl Brunch Pittsburgh chapter with some awesome baking orders they have.  So be prepared to see a lot more geek-themed baked goods pop up in this blog and on our fb page.  We're super excited and already have a million ideas for some wonderful treats we'd like to eat!

3. As a friendly reminder to all you fall-lovers out there, our pumpkin cheesecake cupcake is available September - November only.  To borrow a phrase from 1999, it's the bomb dot com.  No really, it's amazing!  But it's only around for a few months, so be sure to order a few before it's too late!

It's Thursday, right??  We lose track of time some days.  Time to go enjoy the last few weeks of humidity in the burgh!

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