Sunday, January 13, 2013

Quiz: Do I Like Cupcakes?

Sometimes people question aloud to us how strong their devotion to cupcakes really is.  Here's a simple quiz for you to determine if you like to eat cupcakes:

1. When I get home from school/work I like to:
 a. Run 6 miles to burn off any excess calories I may have accidently consumed today.  Must. Run. More.
b. Find a relaxing way to unwind by cooking, reading, or playing on the computer.  Sometimes I need to treat myself to some me-time.

2. My idea of a perfect party is:
a. Acquaintances gather in a circle to discuss life after Earth, and whether fortified jerky made of plant compounds is a realistic thing.
b. Music, games, good food, and plenty of laughter!

3. My idea of a healthy diet is:
a. Sprouts, sprouts, and more sprouts!
b. Balance that puppy, but leave room for some fun treats too!

4. On TV I like to watch:
a. Amish Mafia.  Their beliefs on an eye for an eye really get my blood pumping!
b. Cupcake Wars.  They're so cute, and fluffy, and I WANT TO EAT THEM ALL!!!

5. A friend calls and asks if I'll meet him at a bakery to catch up with each other.  I:
a. Panic.  Bakeries mean sugar.  Sugar is evil.  I cannot consume evil.  I must not set foot in a bakery ever!
b. Wonder how I have such amazing friends that they know meeting me at a bakery is a dream come true.

6. My favorite flavor of cupcake is:
a. Bran.  With a side of kale juice.
b. Chocolate.  No, vanilla.  Wait, maybe peanut butter.  Or perhaps red velvet.  Oh, it's mango peach.  I CAN'T DECIDE!!!

7.  I read this blog because:
a. I'm trying to get my certification in online creeping.
b. I love cupcakes!!!  And Lis!!!

If you answered mostly A, it's safe to say you're not a cupcake fan.  And you may want to check in with a doctor sometime soon.  And avoid the internet.

If you answered mostly B, congratulations, you love cupcakes!!  I know it was hard to figure out, but now that this quiz proves your love and devotion, it's time for you to show your love and devotion and eat a few!  The gym can wait!!

I hope this quiz was informative and helpful for you.  We here at PSR want to help all cupcake addicts to embrace their love for the delicious treat, and to let you know it's OK to admit you die for the treats.  We do too!!

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